The Shetland Society of Wellington is a group of people with a connection to, or interest in, the Shetland Islands.
About the society
We get together regularly to celebrate the New Zealand-Shetland connection, provide information about Shetland to our members, and participate in community events to promote and celebrate Shetland’s culture, music and heritage.
Check out our Events page to see what functions are coming up. Most years we hold a Picnic, Shetland Viking Dance evening, Local Outing, Mid-winter Foy, Stout Lecture, Anniversary Dinner, and Christmas Tree afternoon tea.
We extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us. Members get together regularly, receive a quarterly newsletter, and can borrow books relating to Shetland from our new library collection. You can apply for membership or email us for more information at
Latest news
Upcoming event: Wool Workshop
An Introduction to spinning, Fair Isle knitting, and lace knitting, to be held at Hutt Art Centre, Myrtle St, Lower Hutt on May 4th & 5th 2024.
An opportunity for knitters with basic skills, for a “hands-on” introduction to Gotland sheep fleece preparation and spinning, traditional Fair Isle (stranded) knitting, and traditional lace knitting.
On 20 August 2023 Maurice Henderson spoke about Shetland fiddling, trolls, and their connection to Shetland music, fiddling, and dancing.
You can view the video here:
2022 Centenary events great success
Centenary events were successfully held and well attended throughout September to mark the 100 year anniversary of the Wellington Shetland Society. These included the mural unveiling, Shetlanders in Wellington exhibition, Fibre and Photo competition, and Centenary luncheon.
To read about the events and view photos, click here.
Viking II Project
Our Society is delighted we can support and promote a new and exciting venture to learn more about the genetic roots of many health conditions. Viking II is seeking 4000 volunteers - the only condition is that you must have at least two of your four grandparents from Shetland or Orkney.
Read a message about the Project from from our President, Peter Glensor here
To learn more about the Project and to volunteer click here
To see a lecture given by Prof Jim Wilson in Shetland to launch the Viking II Project click here.