Forthcoming events

  • Sunday 18 August

  • via Zoom. With Christine De Luca – poet –talking about Shetland Dialect – where it came from, where it’s going.
    Date: Sun 18 Aug 2024 (Pacific/Auckland)
  • Saturday 7 September

  • @ Wellington Pipe Band Hall – Hanson Street, Newtown. Bring something to work on. All welcome. Afternoon Tea. Koha.
    Date: Sat 07 Sep 2024
    Time: 09:30 AM - 04:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland)
  • Saturday 14 September

  • @ Wellington Pipe Band Hall – Hanson Street, Newtown. Tattie soup and a lunch catered by The Pines. Cost - $25 to be paid by Sept 6th. Followed by our Annual Meeting – reports on the past year and plans for the future.
    Date: Sat 14 Sep 2024 (Pacific/Auckland)
  • Wednesday 9 October

  • @ Wellington Pipe Band Hall – 7pm to 11pm. Live band – Dunwofflin. Old style ballroom and Scottish country dancing still practised in Shetland. Supper. Single $15 Double $25 Family $30
    Date: Wed 09 Oct 2024
    Time: 07:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland)
  • Sunday 1 December

  • @ Wellington Pipe Band Hall. Library, good fellowship, games for the kids, visit from Father Christmas. $5 or a plate. (Let us know what children are coming, so we can organise gifts)
    Date: Sun 01 Dec 2024
    Time: 02:30 AM - 04:30 AM (Pacific/Auckland)

WELCOME! Prospective new members and out of town visitors who would like to come along to any of our functions can EMAIL US,  or write to our postal address.

There are six other Shetland societies around New Zealand - in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Canterbury and Otago – please ask if you would like contact details.

Shetland Society of Wellington members also receive more details about forthcoming Society events by email, post, or in the newsletters. Any queries can be sent to